Wiggly cat, Original Erzgebirge from Germany
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- Cute wiggly cat that goes to sleep and gets back up again
- Original Erzgebirge folk art from Germany
- Material: certified, domestic wood from local forestry
- Real traditional handcraft – durable and retaining value
- Size: 8cm
- Color: Black
- Manufacturer: Jan Stephani
- Warning: small parts that can be swallowed, not suitable for children under 3 years
- Purr-fect also as a gift for cat lovers!
With great attention to detail, the enchanting wiggly animals have been handmade in Seiffen (Saxony, Germany) since 1954. When you press the ground on the base, the holding threads relax and the animals make wonderful movements and funny contortions. Try it out and amaze young and old alike!
Manufacturer Information: DREGENO SEIFFEN eG, Oberheidelberger Straße 10A, 09548 Kurort Seiffen/Erzgebirge, Deutschland, info@dregeno.de, www.dregeno.de