Two kids with cats

Hello! We are ... 

... stop! Since probably none of you want to read boring biographies, we thought we'd let our logo cat Sir Mittens interview us. That totally happened. Let's go!

Logo von Sir MittensDo you have names?

Indeed! My name is Florian and I founded Sir Mittens with my girlfriend Lotta. Together we are called Flotta. We're not kidding this time.

Logo von Sir Mittens Where does "Flotta" (jeez) live?

We live in beautiful Hamburg and enjoy the Hanseatic city to the fullest.

Logo von Sir MittensTrue people of the North, huh?

Not originally. I'm Saxon, Lotta is from the Westerwald. We studied English together at university in Mainz. We met there at what felt like 60 degrees Celsius during a school internship. Lotta also studied political science and I, creative as I am, studied German.

Fun Fact: I've forgotten everything from the grammar seminars in German and Lotta isn't that into politics. We got more stuck in our English studies.

Logo von Sir Mittens So working around the clock isn't enough for you? Or why an online store?

Haha. Quite the opposite. We realized in college that we were about to make a bad mistake. We probably wouldn't have survived two weeks in front of a class. Kudos to anyone who loves that, but it wasn't for us. It was a good decision: We're happy in other jobs now.

Logo von Sir Mittens Ok, blah. Can we talk about me now?

You mean about the store? Sure! We started Sir Mittens because we love cats very, very much.

Logo von Sir Mittens Well, that surprises me. Not.

That's what we thought. I wasn't finished yet. What we like about cats is that they are so independent and stubborn. They don't put up with everything and you have to earn their trust first. It is all the nicer when you have gained this trust.

Cats have a thousand different facets - both among themselves and with regard to their states of mind. There are lazy and playful cats, greedy and ... less greedy, curious and disinterested cats, cuddly and rather distant cats. The spectrum is almost endless.

And just like humans, cats can have good and bad days. We find these different characters very fascinating.

For example, Lotta used to have a black male cat named Mephisto (Mephi). He was very lovable, but also extremely territorial. Outside in the hood he was the biggest daredevil and fought with Tom, Dick and Harry for new territories.

And in "his" house he had such a sensitivity for everything that he noticed immediately if a cupboard was even a centimeter out of place. Then he turned completely off. A calm cat would probably not have been happy with him.

Logo von Sir Mittens How touching. But that still doesn't explain why you started an online store for cat art.

That's right! The answer is quite simple: art and culture are indispensable parts of our social life. And art, in our opinion, is the only medium that can adequately express the enchanting nature of a cat.

That's why we like art that depicts cats with an aesthetic that reflects character diversity - be it lazy, proud, fierce, vain, peaceful, or just plain cute.

Logo von Sir Mittens Can you be more specific? What do you mean by cat art?

In the strictest sense, cats are literally integrated into classical paintings. Like Niaski does, for example, which we are fortunate enough to carry in our shop. Or we speak more generally of paintings, drawings and illustrations with cats.

In a narrower sense, cat art refers to all handmade products in the form of cats or that depict cats.

For example, we also think of literature or photography as a "handmade" art form. If we like them, then it is also okay for us if they are printed in wide circulation or as photocopies.

In the broadest sense, we consider industrially produced merchandise featuring cats to be cat art if we like it. However, we would include such goods only as UniCats, not in our regular assortment.

Logo von Sir Mittens Did you come up with the store idea when you petted a cat that was stuck in a picture frame?


Logo von Sir Mittens But?

We've always intuitively looked for pretty things with cats in any store - be it general stores, office supplies, tea, souvenirs, ceramics or antiques. In fact, everywhere. If you're lucky, you'll find something.

Then we noticed: There is no central platform for decorative items with cats, although so many people love and adore cats. We would have found such a store practical and others agreed with us.

And there it was, our joint project was born.

After intensive preparation time, it is now important to us that we have fun making others happy.

We also want to be transparent and personal. We are not a big company and that's okay. In our opinion, it's nicer if there's a face to the online store where you buy - just like in the real world out there.

 Florian und Lotta von Sir Mittens
So much for us. If you also find cats quite okay, then take a look at our current product range.