Hand-Painted Cat Figurine, Original German Erzgebirge Folk Art
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- Collectible, hand-painted cat figurine made of spruce wood for decoration or as a give-away
- Original Erzgebirge folk art from Seiffen, Saxony (Germany)
- Ring-turned, carved and painted by hand
- 100% traditional handicraft from the Saxon manufacturer Werner
- 2 cm high, approx. 2.5 cm long
Ring-turned animals are original Erzgebirge folk art. The handcrafted animals have nothing to do with the tires on your bike. Instead, the figurines are manufactured in one of the most demanding and fascinating processing techniques of wood art. A fresh piece of spruce wood is set in rotation and processed by hand with various turning tools. Then small slices are cut off - the small animal figures come out. In the end, they will be reworked with a carving knife and painted. So every animal is one One of a kind!
Ring-turning is an almost forgotten wood art. In Seiffen - home of the Erzgebirge folk art - Werner's manufactory is the last one where ring-turning is done in the old traditional way. This sweet kitty is also from this manufactory.
Manufacturer Information: DREGENO SEIFFEN eG, Oberheidelberger Straße 10A, 09548 Kurort Seiffen/Erzgebirge, Deutschland, info@dregeno.de, www.dregeno.de