Book "Wie der Kater und die Maus trotzdem Freunde wurden" (German)

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  • "Like cat and mouse? A mouse remains a mouse, even if you can't see it. The old, blind tomcat knows this very well and holds it tightly with his paw. 'I'm not a mouse!' she boldly claims. But Only the truth can soften the cat's heart. Best-selling author Luis Sepúlveda has written a captivating hymn to friendship and life - and an impressive plea for respect and tolerance. The beautiful colored images by Sabine Wilharm transform the book into a feast for the eyes for young and old. "
  • Language: German
  • Publisher: Fischer KJB, Frankfurt am Main, 2014
  • Author: Luis Sepulveda
  • 93 pages
  • Condition: used, but without defects

This article is one of our UniCats which we have in stock only once. In this special category, you can discover used and unique finds that we've spotted at flea markets and marketplaces.

We tax articles of the category "UniCats" according to § 25a UStG differential taxed. Therefore, VAT is not shown.

Good to Know

  • Free shipping within Germany from 30 EUR!
  • We dispatch our orders within 1-2 working days.
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Manufacturer Information: Es handelt sich bei dem Produkt um eine Antiquität, einen Kunstgegenstand oder ein Sammlerstück, ,