"The Cats Gallery of Art" von Susan Herbert
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- 64 Seiten geballte Katzenkunst
- Witzige Galerie der größten Kunstwerke der westlichen Welt – mit Katzen als Protagonistinnen
- Zustand: gebraucht
- Mit 32 Farbillustrationen
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The picture gallery created by Susan Herbert contains many masterpieces which will be readily recognized by a large public: the Mona Lisa, of course, but also The Laughing Cavalier, The Night Watch, The Bar at the Folies-Bergère, to mention only a few. There is also a handful of less familiar paintings which happen to be personal favourites of the author. The cat's eye-view often lends unexpected perspectives to these works. The Venus of Botticelli, for instance, is a particularly modest and innocent creature. Henry VIII's whiskers do seem to enchance the regal impression of Holbein's portrait. Vermeer's milkmaid is a properly demure Dutch tabby. It is appropriate that the sitter for Tissot's Fan should be a sophisticated Siamese.
These are some of the considerations that make this such an amusing and intriguing book. Susan Herbert, in addition to her skill as a painter, shows an apt sense of humour. She has produced an original and captivating portfolio of paintings which will prove irrestible to cat-lover of all ages.
Herausgeber: Thames & Hudson Ltd; 1. Edition (30. April 1990)
Sprache: Englisch
Gebundene Ausgabe: 64 Seiten
ISBN-10: 0500014795
ISBN-13: 978-0500014790
Herstellerinformationen: Es handelt sich bei dem Produkt um eine Antiquität, einen Kunstgegenstand oder ein Sammlerstück, ,